Character Auto Rig System
Complete Auto Rig System
To provide the Automated Solutions, where
Speed, Quality & Consistency are main factors
And Artist can focus on creative work rather than technical issues.
Final is never final in the VFX / Animation Industry.
To bring completeness to Rigging Automation may not be always possible as technology evaluation happens continually
'A Journey towards completeness in automation'
drives me to look at all possible options
'To develop Complete Rigging & Pipeline solutions'

HyperRig 2.0

(Easy To Use)
Just Drag & Drop The Nodes
Designed in such a way that it's very easy to use.. Just drag and drop the nodes and connect or use the previous templates which are exported to library
Edit Node Properties As Needed
Quickly edit the properties of each node and save it as a template if needed for future use cases. There are enough options to produce the customized rigs..

Online Documentation
Quickly Refer To
Any Doc Right Away From
HyperRig UI
Every tool is documented in such a way that each option is covered with proper illustrations.
At One Place
Get Any Tool Quickly From The UI
Everything related to rigging can be at one place. So Rigger don't need to go to another interface to complete the given rigging tasks. The design includes all utility tools and dedicated / character specific tools

Export & Import The Node Network

Re-Use the node network
Quickly Export the node network to reuse (for future use) the current layout and import the required layout at any time for different needs
Context Menu
(Right Click Options)
Get Any Node From Right Click
Right Click anywhere on the editor and get the required node. Quickly add new nodes and search option will be available soon..

Drag & Drop The Selected Nodes

Just Drag & Drop ..
Quickly drag and drop selected nodes and start making connections using connection pipes /ports
Event Handlers
Event Handling is real Fun
Click, Drag and Many other events like socket selections can trigger certain actions.. User interaction can be much more intuitive..

Undo & Redo Support
Undo.. Redo.. & Do As You Like

Most of the actions on the node editor can be compatible with Undo & Redo..
Custom Ports &
Pipe Connections
Enjoy Connecting..
Make connections with visual reference.. A visual node network for a visual auto rigging system

Build & Rebuild

Build & Rebuild As Many Times As Needed
Now changing joints placement is much easier with re-build option. Skin Transfer can happen in place.
Transfer of correctives will be available soon
Advanced Rig QC Check
(Vast MoCap Library)
One Click To QC Check..
Check the rig using advanced QC System where you can use different MoCap animations to check the rig. Use walk cycle / other animations which has extreme poses. And quickly make play-blasts for rig approval.